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About the Temple of Culture
The culture temple gives new life to this beautiful building from 1901, the old water reservoir in Gråberget that has been out of use for more than 70 years. A bit of history is hidden here and above all an acoustic treasure that is today used by artists from many different fields and an always curious audience.
The name Kulturtempel came about in an attempt to describe the character of the place and a function that we aimed at. The question of what a contemporary, secular temple could be, a place where we worship, listen?
We have been active for 5 years with guided tours, concerts, exhibitions and collaborative projects where we let different artists collaborate and create based on this room's unique conditions.
Right now we are in an uncertain situation where the possibilities to continue are being tested. We have received a requirement to apply for a building permit and have it approved in order to be able to sign a longer agreement with the municipality. We want to show that our activities are needed and that it is important for the city's free cultural life. That is why we have started this name collection where you who want to support us can go in and sign.
We who work with the Cultural Temple are:
Jorge Alcaide / Artistic leader and guide
Anita Van Dorn / Artist and Curator
Evelina Åhrman / Cultural Heritage Conservation
Daniela Hukkinen / Dancers and permaculture
Kajsa Sperling / Light Architect
Felipe Botero / arranger / electronic music & sound art
August Norborg / arranger / Electronic music & Sound art
Jens Ahlberg / Editor and musician
Evelina Varas / Poet
Juan Carlos Poblete / Filmmaker
Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson / Dancer
Jonny Berg / Dancer
Maxime Choin / Artist & producer
Trinidad Carrillo / Artist & Musician
Henrik Lindholm / Consulting exhibition architect

Cultural heritage value
Here you can read about the water reservoir's antiquarian value:
Here you can see the beautiful original drawings from 1901. The architect's name was Adrian C. Peterson
Thanks to the regional archive for the copies!

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